// ALNOOR Documentation

If you have already installed ALNOOR, then continue.
If not, then make sure to follow the instuctions on the installation page.

To create a project, please enter the following into your terminal:
                        lnrc -innit Project
Or if you want a default project:
                        lnrc -innit-default Project
These commands will create a project directory with the necessary files, called "Project".
Then copy the necessary libraries from the repository into your project.
The libraries being automatically added will be a feature in future updates.

Now, what do all these files mean? The ".vn" file is the config file
and will store the name of all of your imported libraries.

The ".lsmx" extension means that it is a LOR source file
and is where most of the code will be written.

Another feature is in the last file type, the ".ryx" file. This file type is recognised
as a library file and is written in Java. This means Java code can be imported without hassle.

As LOR is transpiled into Java, imports such as "java.util.ArrayList" and such can also be imported.

All of these files work together to produce a single .jar file as an output.